abandoned house - Posted by Sam

Posted by Jen on February 03, 2004 at 11:47:13:

  1. Try your your local local CAD website. THere you should find the mailing address currently on file.

  2. Try talking to the neighbors and see what they have to say about the property and it’s current owners.

  3. Use a skip tracing company like www.deadleads.com

  4. Search the archives on this site and see what comes up. There is a ton of information here if you just take the time and search.


abandoned house - Posted by Sam

Posted by Sam on February 03, 2004 at 11:35:50:

Where can I find information on an abandoned house by address? ex. owner,etc…

Re: abandoned house - Posted by Pat

Posted by Pat on February 03, 2004 at 20:25:14:

Court house. If you know the address you can look the owner information up at the court house. Even if that particular house does not have an address on it. (had that happen last month) You can find the address to the house on either side and look it up by the street addresses and find the one in between the two that you know.
After that you can look it up by the map and parcel number. This should give you a reference to the deed and or trust information. This deed will have the current owner information and the Trust will have the lender information as well. If it is abandoned you will have to track them down. But if it has been abandoned for a while it may be in the foreclosure.
Tip off for this is if there has been a substitue trustee assigned.


Re: abandoned house - Posted by Brian-MA

Posted by Brian-MA on February 03, 2004 at 12:55:20:

It should be public information. I found the abandoned properties list for Boston on the city website. There’s alot of great free information available on state and city websites. Hope that helps.