Re: A rant to clear my mind - Posted by MM
Posted by MM on July 31, 2004 at 04:24:43:
I think you answered part of your own question without even realizing it. You said it yourself there’s 30 I buy houses ads in the sunday paper , and a bunch of bandit signs. I would rather have that situation then everyone having a ad that becomes a brand in peoples mind. You need to distinguish yourself from all the other ads that compete with you in any business , but newbies down’t seem to catch that part because all the books and courses floating around push the i buy houses ads in their teaching.
I’ve never once used an i buy houses theam it’s very played out , and allows no room to become anything other then a part of the croud. Read up on copywriting ( aka the art of writing ad copy). Learn how to brand yourself , and more improtantly learn how to stand out from the rest. That takes care of the advertising crunch your in , but I know all those other leads such as public records have been visited and revisited. The great thing about a wannabe though is they only have at best a few ways to solve a sellers problem. You can use that as a vantage point when getting your foot in the door.
While every newbie on the block is trying to force fit a lease option , or what ever else that just couldn’t work for the deal , come in with your box full of ideas ask what they need , and then pick the right fix. Newbies only have a few tools at best some luck out and have the right tool for the job but thats rare.
lastly follow up. I don’t know many newbies with the money to follow up with a mailing campain, and the ones who have the money tend to over look following up , or never think of it in the first place. This probably won’t capture all the business a full time investor once saw , but I suspect you’ll get atleast a good number back doing those three things.
Until newbies start runing their investments like a business I really don’t worry about them much. the ones who use a business plan , marketing plan , research laws , and do the things any other business startup finds as common sence is the ones who are your competitors the others are just in the way.
oddly enough they we buy and i buy houses ads all around tend to promote an image of a large
company. people with problems from my experence prefer a one on one approch , not a aswnering service thats telling them to press a million numbers . So you see my ad, or all of there’s and usually when motivated pick the one who’s more likely to have a person on the other end.
thats how I deal with it here , and it works for me. Maybe you should start calling all those ads yourself , and promoting your CPA pratice. Under educated newbies in a business with a lot ot tax ramifications looks like prospects for a CPA to me