800 number service-suggestions - Posted by Len(NYNJ)

Posted by Kate on June 03, 2002 at 11:55:12:

I use an 800 number service, where there are multiple mailboxes, and you can set it up to follow you at specific numbers at certain times of the day. You then can elect to take the call or send the caller back to VM.

800 number service-suggestions - Posted by Len(NYNJ)

Posted by Len(NYNJ) on June 03, 2002 at 09:39:11:

I have searched the archives and found many suggestions for 800 service but I want to ask this question again since so many new services are constantly starting up, So can anyone suggest a 800 service that provides options for multiple VM boxes, and possibly VM as well. I know of one obvious one as being Ureach, but I want to research some others as well.
Also does having an 800 number add credibility to your buisness? I think so .

Re: 800 number service-suggestions - Posted by Patty

Posted by Patty on June 03, 2002 at 12:04:46:

I am looking at RESULTSNOW.COM they have an 800 service for 14.95 month plus 9.9cents per minute usage. However they have all the pre-recorded messages set up for you. Plus a lot of other benefits. Its worth taking a look.


Re: 800 number service-suggestions - Posted by purcyc(nyc)

Posted by purcyc(nyc) on June 03, 2002 at 10:45:18:

hey len,I’m using map mobile, they have multiple voice mail boxes and give u a live operator. they also can send text messages to your cell phone which works for me. check them out www.mapmobile.com