6 Dogs & 9 Cats rehab done! - Posted by Lori Samson

Posted by Lori Samson on October 15, 2000 at 22:32:54:

Yeh, I’ve dropped about 33 pounds in the past few months and I guess I need several more rehab before next summer to fit into the bikini! LOL :slight_smile: Tough diet though!!! Oh yea, I think I recall someone calling it ‘SWEAT EQUITY’!I’ve been sweating to the oldies and moldies! Gosh, I made myself laugh!


6 Dogs & 9 Cats rehab done! - Posted by Lori Samson

Posted by Lori Samson on October 15, 2000 at 02:37:44:

I got the buyers moved in today into the “pet-house”! It is so beautiful that I almost want to move in myself! I got it done with all the problems in a record 1 week and 5 days from the time I got possession! I wouldn’t have pushed so hard if it wasn’t that the buyers were sitting in a motel. I now know that I can do it that fast and it’s going to be hard to slack off any on my next one!

I’m going to focus back on a few lease options for the next month or so… unless… a rehab just slaps me in the face as this last one did and then I will just have to do it! This stuff is so addicting!

One funny thing that happened yesterday when I was trying to rush to get all the finishing touches done and change light bulbs, I was standing on a 5 gallon paint bucket trying to reach the hall light bulbs that were burnt out, when I tried to place the cover back on to the light fixture I couldn’t get the bottom screw to go back on. I stood on that stupid bucket for 30 minutes dropping that darn screw over and over again. I was getting so frustrated with it that when my husband arrived to see the finished product(he walked through it when it stunk and said he’d come back to see it when it was all finished) he took over and said he’d work on it for me. He is now standing on the bucket dropping the screw because it just didn’t want to go back on. Now, I’ve survived that 2 tons of cat and dog poop we hauled out of this house and all the repairs, re-carpeting, vinyl, and plumbing! Now we get whipped by a half inch screw on the last day of the last hour in the house!You have to understand my husband, Greg, he doesn’t even turn a screwdriver(he never does rehabs)! He saw how it was making me crazed and took over to keep me from breaking something! He then worked another 20 minutes on this stinkin’ light, himself! Nearly nine thousand dollars in repairs and a 10 cent screw whips us in our final minutes!

I should have this one to closing in less then 30 days! The closing date is Nov.13th. Yea! So, I found it, bought it, repaired it and sold it in about 7 weeks! That’s the fastest I have ever did a full blown rehab!(God, don’t let this closing fall through)


Re: 6 Dogs & 9 Cats rehab done! - Posted by LindaB

Posted by LindaB on October 16, 2000 at 12:12:29:

I think its great the example you have set for all of us women just getting into RE investing. We have someone to show us that women can be just as good at doing rehabs and and being sucessful in the business. You are an inspiration for us women just starting out. I look forward to reading your future posts!

Re: 6 Dogs & 9 Cats rehab done! - Posted by Laure

Posted by Laure on October 15, 2000 at 08:04:46:

Cooolness … Yes, rehabs ARE ADDITCITNG !!! See my problem? I get all creative and can’t stop ! LOL And get all proud when people ooh and ahhh over them. It’s an ego trip for sure. Now, I get referral calls all the time because they “hear” what a nice job I do. Thinking of starting to contract out my men for homeowners :slight_smile: We’ve started doing some work for other rehabbers recently, mostly roofs, windows and siding, but there is some sweet mark up on those items. I think I’m going to do a Limited Partnership with my son on contracting work. I got the brains, and he got the braun. Nice combination. Too bad his girlfriend isn’t on the ball.

We’ve been popping out about a house a month all year. But some of those have been my rentals, not all houses have been for sale. But I figure, 9 roofs this year alone on my rentals. Won’t have to do those ever again. I’ll sell them before they need another roof ! LOL Gotta take advantage of the cheap labor from my son before he grows up too much ! hehehe

We’re finishing up our last rehab in the next two weeks, have it sold, and then I can relax… Unless I go and buy something else :slight_smile: Wayne wants a break…says I’m too intense when I’m on task with a rehab. We’ll see who wins :slight_smile: Just maybe, I won’t find a bargain, and I’ll take a couple of weeks off… doubtful. hehehehe

We should celebrate with some chocolate. I think I’m losing weight, haven’t had any for a while.

Laure :slight_smile:

I am impressed - Posted by Hope

Posted by Hope on October 15, 2000 at 05:04:59:

How much work needed to be done? We only do rehabs and my dh does ALL the work, roofs, kitchens, bathrooms, paint, floor,etc and it usually takes him about 6 wks or so. He is getting old and tired LOL so it may pay for us to sub out some of the work, if we could save that much time and sell it that much sooner. Can you give me an idea of all the stuff you had done, so I can start figuring things out. You sound like an awesome woman!!