18 yrs old and wants to know.. - Posted by Jonathan Beugard

Posted by Evelyn (FL) on April 08, 2001 at 08:33:16:


18 yrs old and wants to know… - Posted by Jonathan Beugard

Posted by Jonathan Beugard on April 07, 2001 at 13:25:43:

Yeah i am 18 yrs old and want to know if u need credit to start any kind of real estate investing. I am about to purchase the Carlton sheets course to learn the fundamentals. Ofcourse i don’t have a credit card and i am strict on money. Can anyone help me out and guide me on the right track. The help would be appreicated.

Re: 18 yrs old and wants to know… - Posted by Evelyn (FL)

Posted by Evelyn (FL) on April 07, 2001 at 15:17:40:


Boy, have you come to the right place for answers!!!
FIRST, click on the success stories and READ THEM THOROUGHLY, then read the “How TO” articles. Sheets is a good program to get you familiar with RE and terms and general ideas. Order it, or somebody else’s course, but order a course.

That is what this board is about, buying without your own money or credit.

Now, go do some readin’!!! :slight_smile:

Hope I helped some.


Re: 18 yrs old and wants to know… - Posted by Johnathon

Posted by Johnathon on April 08, 2001 at 08:05:30:

Thanks for the motivation