What just Happened - Posted by Joseph Strahan

Posted by Joseph Strahan on February 23, 2007 at 13:18:28:

Sorry for the confusion. I was trying to be as brief as possible and not take up too much room

These scammers rented from me for seven months of which four were unpaid. They tried to run a scam when signing the paper work. The father signed for the daughter. The daughter was living in my home with four children. When the money ran out she said she was not responsible, she did not sign it . Father says he is not responsible because he was signing for daughter. They (scammers) got social work involed because of the children and got another 1.5months free rent. When I contacted the social worker she said go ahead and fight it, but we will win in court! After the social worker delt with the scammers she said off the record that I had better get an attorney because they had no intentions of moving out. The father gets daughter and five children out and gives me a boo hoo story that his daughter left the state and him with 3 of the five children, I am on a fixed income, I am having surgery…boo hoo… please let me settle out of court. $1800 dollors is all I got when repairs alone cost 3000plus my attorney said take the money and run becuse who knows what and when you will get. Fast forward 2months and my friend who was taking care of my property gets a notice to turn on the gas for a customer, and who is it but the scammers trying to scam another person. As stated in my last post the whole rental application was a fabrication of lies! How is it that the applicant can not be evicted simply for lying on the application? This to me seemed like a cut and dry case. With the photos of my property and the background presented along with photos from the new place showing damages in just 1.5-2 months where carpet would already have to be replaced($1300) and paint I just could not understand how it could have gone any other way The condo brand new, first renters. To add gravy to it. When the scammers were presented with the letter of eviction on the new house the daughter threw it at the sherif and cursed him!
Still mistified,

What just Happened - Posted by Joseph Strahan

Posted by Joseph Strahan on February 21, 2007 at 13:02:28:

Short and to the point

  1. Evicted deadbeat tenant after 4 months of hell
  2. Friend who was managing property works for utility company and was sent for turn on when low and behold dead beat tenant was there to scam another person
  3. completely lied on application ie: never been evicted, last landlord was a friend of her’s accross the street from my home(not me), wrong address for my home
  4. Friend told the land lord who went out that day for a letter of eviction, court date set for 14 days later, mother of tenant said she filled out the application, (oops my bad says mother) judge gave 30days extension and new court date friend was sub. to be at court date
  5. Day of court our names were slandered as slum lords, lying on the application meant nothing, our side meant nothing to this case because it was already settled for a fraction i might add of just rent alone and not damages. New land lord had pictures of damge to walls and carpent just in two months and judge said that is what security deposits are for! Case dismised and tenant still gets to stay. We had the proof they had none, yet we were the scum!


Re: What just Happened - Posted by Natalie-VA

Posted by Natalie-VA on February 23, 2007 at 12:07:29:


I agree with James that you should use an attorney next time. Your post was somewhat confusing, and if your case was presented to the judge that way, he might have been confused and annoyed.

This isn’t meant to insult you at all. Sometimes it’s just the one who presents their case better that wins, regardless of who’s right.


Re: What just Happened - Posted by James

Posted by James on February 21, 2007 at 18:42:30:

You got hosed!

Better screening helps, but not always.

Anytime the tenants or judge extend the case, escrow the rental payments through the courthouse - that way you’ll show they pay no rent, or you’ll get it if they do.

Sounds like the judge was having a bad day…a judge where I am is very tough on landlords making rulings that she has no business making…except she’s the judge and I am not! Soooooo, it stands of course.

Waste no time evicting them for non-payment of rent. Hire an atty to handle the eviction court too.