Title Issue - Posted by esligh

Posted by esligh on June 29, 2006 at 18:35:22:

The husband claims to not know. I think it was a bitter divorce so he really may not know. I will hire a PI if she is not found by the middle of next week. I can’t just let this one go.

Title Issue - Posted by esligh

Posted by esligh on June 29, 2006 at 15:33:25:

Here is my dilemma. I have everything ready to go for this property. The financing is ready, the contractor is ready to go and my schedule is set. I got the property from a wholesaler who passed it on to me for a fee. We were set to close and then a title issue pops up. It is a divorce situation and the wife is no where to be found. She is on title. The husband has a divorce decree stating that he has the right to sell the property. While this is good enough for divorce law, it is not good enough for real estate law in the state of Georgia. Have any of you ever faced this issue and if so how did you get around it? Do I have to get her signature on the deal or her signature to quitclaim her off the deed? Are there any other options? This property can make me a good bit of money and it will make me sick to lose it. Any information you guys can provide I would greatly appreciate it.

Re: Title Issue - Posted by DoubleJ

Posted by DoubleJ on July 06, 2006 at 14:52:37:

Find her with a PI, or if you know a bail bondmen he may be able to help find her for a fee as well.

Once you find her, bribe her with some of the sellers proceeds to sign the quit claim.

Party over!

Re: Title Issue - Posted by dealmaker

Posted by dealmaker on June 29, 2006 at 18:05:08:

If she’s truly “nowhere” to be found, she would be dead. Does the ex-husband not know where she is? If not then go the PI route, they can find anyone.


Re: Title Issue - Posted by esligh

Posted by esligh on July 11, 2006 at 14:17:17:

I found her finally so we’ll see how it goes from here. We were able to get an extension on closing so we should be good to go! I appreciate the response.
