Tax Liens and Deeds - Posted by Jaimey

Posted by Bill H on May 13, 2011 at 13:05:16:

  1. Where are you?

  2. What gives you the right to someone else’s $$$?

  3. The taxing jusrisdiction is NOT going to give you the $$$ just because you want it.

  4. If it sounds to good to be true…it probably is.

  5. Others have tried similar deals and lost BIG TIME. Search the archives.

  6. Be very careful or perhaps your cell number will have nothing to do with a phone.

Tax Liens and Deeds - Posted by Jaimey

Posted by Jaimey on May 04, 2011 at 12:07:26:


I want to start an asset recovery business (LLC) for the overbid money at property tax lien and deed sales. Is this a legitimate business to get into? It seems almost too good to be true. And, what reasons besides child support is the overbid money not owed to the previous property owner?
