Screening Tenants - Posted by JPiper

Re: Screening Tenants - Posted by Jim Locker

Posted by Jim Locker on December 19, 2000 at 19:11:35:

>>Do you give a truthful tenant extra points? I had a guy who on the application stated yes I am currently being evicted and I have been late on payments.

I would sometimes consider such an applicant. Sometimes, people run into troubles which they manage to overcome, and sometimes they actually learn a lesson. So if they start by being truthful, I will consider that.

>> The funny part was that he was obnoxious to my wife in a weird sort of way. Kinda like HE was choosing us and wasn’t quite sure if she met up to his standards.

Encountering this attitude among someone who was being evicted would leave me cold, and would likely tip the decision against him. Arrogance is tolerable (sometimes) in one who has grounds to be arrogant, but in an individual with no leverage, it just indicates that he has NOT learned his lesson.