Right of way/ easement ??? - Posted by Skopenarms

Posted by Max-Va on February 17, 2007 at 22:59:39:

A friendly visit to the job site superintendent and point out the problem it is causing will probably do the trick. As you say they probably intend to pave it. If you point out the problem and inconvenience it causes, it might get a higher priority in the building process. Most developers want to be good neighbors

Right of way/ easement ??? - Posted by Skopenarms

Posted by Skopenarms on February 17, 2007 at 19:48:15:

I have a couple questions concerning road easements… Were we live there is one main road which leads back into acreage tracts.It comes off a major highway and connects again to another minor highway…Sitting right on the corner of the minor highway there is a large development co doing site work for condos… They have completely torn up the roadway or entrance at that end of the easment…While we do have access (going out of the other side where it connects to the major highway),can they legally block the other way in/out of our area…It does,nt affect myself that much but I have neighbors who have to go out of there way to travel to town…
Is there any legal recourse or decent remedy one might suggest?..I know that the developer has the intentions of paving the section he tore up but theres no telling how long it will take…I,m really iritated with it mainly because I did not know they had wasted the road until I tried using that way out and wound up 4wheeling it thru large rocks.I would not have gone that way if there were warning signs put up.