Owner moved, how do I find him? - Posted by Michael Y

Posted by Tom PA on August 25, 2003 at 21:01:21:

Finding people is pretty easy as long as they aren’t trying to hide. And of course, they need to know how to hide.

Do these simple things and you should find the person. If not then email me and I will point you in a couple of other directions.

  1. send a letter to the address right now. hopefully you will get a forwarding address back in a few days.

  2. call 411 for the immadiate and surrounding areas. most people don’t move more than about 30 miles. When you are on the phone with 411 don’t let them hangup, you can get two inquiries per call.

  3. call all of the neighbors and ask if they know where the person is

  4. call other people in the immediate area with the same last name.

These simple steps will usually turn up a hit. That is for people who aren’t good at skipping (which is most of the population).

An alternative is to contact a skiptracing company. They have access to data that makes the job much easier.

Owner moved, how do I find him? - Posted by Michael Y

Posted by Michael Y on August 25, 2003 at 20:40:31:

Hi. I have a potential short sale, I have a buyer, and know that the seller is motivated. The seller has moved out of the house, however, and I need to know the quickest way to track him down. The county clerk and recorder lists his old address (the property about to enter preforclosure), how do I find the new address and phone#?

Thanks for any tips or tricks.
–Michael Y.

Re: Owner moved, how do I find him? - Posted by Larry

Posted by Larry on August 26, 2003 at 01:34:35:

The company I use is www.deadleads.com and they guarantee their work so if they cannot find anything on the home owner then you don’t pay!

Here is the steps I take when tracking down owners:

  1. After bird-dogging the area I look up the owners on my local County Appraisal District, CAD website.

  2. Search Anywho.com for a phone number to call them. If that does not work then I mail them a letter inquiring about the vacant property.

  3. If still no luck or the letter comes back undeliverable I then look them up at www.knowX.com. But I wait until I have a list of dead leads to do this. For $29.00 a day you can do unlimited searches for a full day. The downside to this site is that I cannot find unlisted #'s here.

  4. If still no success then I contact the people over at www.deadleads.com. They will actually call around and try to contact the owner for you so you know you are getting accurate information and they are cheap to, $24.95.

This what I do and I have great success at it.

