Moving after Foreclosure? - Posted by Jack

Posted by DeeJay-NYC on August 28, 2006 at 13:50:04:


At this point, does it really matter? Take your personal belongings and start over.

His main concern should be you leaving the home in one piece.


Good Luck!


Moving after Foreclosure? - Posted by Jack

Posted by Jack on August 26, 2006 at 23:40:11:

My house was forclosed on last week. The auction took place around 12pm. I was moving all my belonging before the auction (around 10am). I have a tool shed in the back of my house. I was getting ready to move it when some guy comes out of nowhere. Say he just bought the house and I couldn?t move my tool shed. When I told him the shed is not bolted down and its not real property its personal property. He said I will see you in court. Can he really take me to court on this?