Posted by Lori Heuer on April 04, 2006 at 09:33:20:
Please write me at above e-mail Thank you. Lori
Posted by Lori Heuer on April 04, 2006 at 09:33:20:
Please write me at above e-mail Thank you. Lori
liens and contracts - Posted by Lori Heuer
Posted by Lori Heuer on April 04, 2006 at 09:31:16:
Recently I built a home on my property that I want to sell. The builder has been difficult to say the least. He refused to write me a contract at first. i was going to back out but then after speaking with him on this subject for over a month he finally wrote something very basic.I would not sign it until I had someone in the business look at it. I was ready to sign and he had to sign too but he would never show up for our appointments. By now the house is well into being built… When the house is finished he claims i owe him $10,512 more than the construction loan even though I authorized nothing outside of the loan!And everyone according to the bank has been paid. Can a lien stop me from refinancing?Does it effect my credit as it was perfect. With no authorized contracts can i win in court and how much will a lawyer cost? Is it worth it? Thank you, Lori