JHyre, you can probably answer this one.. - Posted by Frank

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on March 20, 2002 at 02:51:32:

If the other party catches on, they could probably force you to cease and desist. Why not change the name just a little to avoid the potential hassle?

John Hyre

JHyre, you can probably answer this one… - Posted by Frank

Posted by Frank on March 19, 2002 at 20:23:41:

Can you get in any trouble for using a fictitious name that that you file in Ohio as a fictitious name, if someone else is using that name as their LLC name in another part of Ohio. It will just be the “front” on one of my business cards… such as ______ Properties. Someone has the name as an LLC (______ Properties, LLC) in another part of Ohio. I don’t need it for legal purposes, just want it on my business card and would never sign in any type of authority of a company named as such.