How to Answer Legal Objections to Sandwich L/O - Posted by FrankIL

Posted by Ken on March 08, 2011 at 15:07:24:

You are giving them too much info.Just tell them the terms etc do not explain the whole thing more than they need to know and it makes it sound like you are guilty of something

How to Answer Legal Objections to Sandwich L/O - Posted by FrankIL

Posted by FrankIL on March 08, 2011 at 14:19:12:

I keep running into this scenario - I find a good lead, and then try to do a L/O sandwich with my tenant buyer. Then of course some family member or realtor tells my T/B that I can’t legally sell them a home I don’t own. I can’t seem to get past this objection, despite trying to explain this is not illegal. And then it falls apart and they move on. Hoping someone here can advise on how I can better handle this objection cause what I’m doing now isn’t working.

Why I use lawyer or escrow - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on March 09, 2011 at 14:36:05:

Sounds like you’re saying way too much.

Talk to your best local escrow co or RE lawyer to have him/her do the LO for you.

Probably best not to use a Title/Escrow as you don’t have title and those TEs seem incapable of thinking outside box whereas RE lawyer or stand-alone E Co would have no trouble with it.

And as far as what you tell L/O buyers/renters, just tell them house is available to rent on L/O basis and they either want it on your terms, or not and you’re not going to discuss legalities with them.

You’re of course (? I hope)aware that you’d better come up with the written right to the RE yourself or get ready to be sued by your buyer/tenant. :wink:

Re: How to Answer Legal Objections to Sandwich L/O - Posted by Woody

Posted by Woody on March 08, 2011 at 19:08:26:

Assuming you are not a real estate agent and not representing anyone only yourself. And your paper work is correct.

True you are not selling the house. You are selling the Lease Option deal. You are selling the deal you have with the owner of the house. The house comes along with the deal. With a Sandwich you are not managing the property. You are managing your interest in the deal, and the tenant/buyer.

You are selling the deal, NOT the house, and managing your interest.