Posted by BTI on April 06, 2008 at 15:04:07:
Sorry to hear about your plight but assist to sell and help u sell in slow markets or buyers markets are not the people to do business with.
If you want to avoid the 6 or 7% use a flat fee broker that will put it on the mls for a few hundred dollars and don’t be cheap in what you offer a selling agent.
It is really up to you to do the marketing for now, but don’t worry if you find a buyer they will still take a picture of you smiling next to a sold sign saying how much you saved on commission. However, they will fail to say the $4,500 you saved in commission only cost you $45,000 less then what you should have gotten with a full and honest effort.
You don’t offer a lot of detail, but I would consider your last thought and move in yourself and just wait out the listing agreement. Or maybe the broker will just cancel the listing for say $500 dollars and you can start over.