Posted by Rich-CA on June 05, 2008 at 21:02:43:
I have been a landlord for 20+ years, 15 in CA. First, under a lease you only have the right to stay until the lease expires. If it has no month to month clause, that means you move or sign another lease, if its offered. If you are month to month, then you are only entitled to notice that they no longer wish to rent to you.
Since you have been there 12 or more months, they must give you 2 months notice, but that is all you are entitled to. Since you do not own the property, your rights are much more limited than those of the owner. Perhaps you could negotiate a deal with the conversion developer and become an owner, then the problem goes away and you can stay as long as you make your mortgage payments (see, even an owner can be forced out - but either because they do not pay their debts or the government wants to tear down the property or sell it to a developer to make something that will bring in more tax dollars - like a strip mall).