Cemetery lot notes - Posted by Bobby(VA)

Posted by John Behle on December 03, 1998 at 13:34:42:

I’ll pre-empt all the comments we might get of “it’s a dead business”, “Eviction is a real problem”, etc.

Cemetary notes is a great market. Your discount is totally negotiable, depending on the terms of the notes, what your competition is, how much they need cash, etc.

Cemetary notes are a perfect scenario to use the “Collateral Conversion” technique. In a nutshell, you negotiate with the payor before or after the transaction to put up some more “Standard” real estate as collateral like a single family home or rental. This gets a little too complicated to go into now.

Check with some funeral homes in your area and see if they provide currently provide financing or would like to.

Cemetery lot notes - Posted by Bobby(VA)

Posted by Bobby(VA) on December 03, 1998 at 12:28:29:

I would appreciate hearing the pros and cons of buying these notes. What has experience shown to be the “expected” discount amount?