I beg your pardon. I miss took your wording as it was free. We pay monthly as you (we probably not as much) no visitation fee $10 seems pointless, but if you see the Dr 10 times a month #%@&. I wonder why we have no equiptment or staff? Canada lost a lot of Dr to the US I hear. More money. What about now with the exchange? Carpenter friend did a job here for an American got paid in US dollars. He was thrilled. Ha! till he cashed it and it was worth less in Canadian! Off topic but funny. My apologies Rich-CA – CANUCK
Buyer’s Broker and Agent being sued - Posted by John Merchant
Posted by John Merchant on January 23, 2008 at 16:23:35:
Today’s Seattle Times reports a RE Agent and Broker in the area are being sued for causing their client, the buyer, to buy, finance and then lose via foreclosure, a house that the client couldn’t afford.
This could just be the first of a trend and buyers might be going after their Agents and Brokers now in a big way.
It’s always been a fact that an injured party is going to go after anybody and everybody who might be named and blamed for the injuries to that party.
And plaintiffs lawyers are of course going to be watching this too. In fact the number of possible aggrieved buyers could be so huge that class action suits are bound to be coming next.
So the buyer’s agent had better take a hard look at this and start exercising some caution about trying to push his client into buying that big house just for the RE commissions.
Posted by Rich-CA on January 23, 2008 at 21:51:23:
…dumping a lack of personal self control and due diligence on another person. No wonder so many things are so expensive here. We could probably get a lot of relief in the costs of everything from health care to toys just by starting with the position that if a person does not agree to a contract then it is solely their responsibility to not sign it.
Posted by Rich-CA on January 28, 2008 at 18:22:18:
Actually, I have a relative who is a Dr. in Canada. They are horrible with colds and the flu eating up 70% of the government allocation for the government run medical plan. And they pay zero to see a doctor. But its still a day off work.
A lot of employers have already gone to PTO - paid time off - replacing most paid holidays, sick leave and vacation with one number of days to be used as the employee wishes or needs.
I think the study saying the USA leads in needless Dr. visits is flawed. I did a thesis comparing nationalized health care with free market health care and we would be towards the bottom of the “I have a cough so I need to see an MD” heap not the top.
Posted by Rich-CA on January 29, 2008 at 19:49:34:
This according to my wife’s cousin who IS a DR in Edmonton in the government health care system. If it is false then its false from the mouth of a worker (she said it while she was here so it was face to face and not hearsay). Based on your tag line I assume you are in Canada, was she wrong? I belong to an HMO here in CA that is supposed to be the world’s largest private HMO and we pay $10 to see a doctor. I also pay $10 for a 30 day med prescription or the actual cost, whichever is less. We had been talking about an incident where a DR I had gone to see thought my symptoms description might mean a heart problem and they brought a crash cart and tech up from the ER. She related that this probably would not have happened where she works because they don’t have the equipment and personnel to do that. In any case, this is where the co-pay discussion came up.