Posted by BillyBob on November 24, 2006 at 12:23:20:
Now THAT Jimmy, makes sense to me I didn’t know anything about attorney client privelage…Does it answer the question of whether or not the moderators answer questions though? And if there is an answer somewhere in all that to that question…and the answer is “No the moderators do not answer questions on the board” Then what diffrentiates the Moderators from other “plugged in” lawyers such as yourself? And for the record…I guess its me asking.
Are there any attornies here? Or just investors? - Posted by BillyBob
Posted by BillyBob on November 23, 2006 at 12:23:12:
Do the hosts of this forum answer questions under other names? I went back months, and can’t find a single post by either of the hosts. I’m not complaining, this site is awesome, and I have gotten great advice from experienced investors in the other forums, but I thought the point of this one was that real estate attorneies, at least occasionally, answered legal questions. If their are other lawyers here, please let me know…then we can tell if the advice is from a legal proffesional or not. Thanks
Once upon a time they used to screen the posts on this forum and only allow those that are attorneys to post. I don’t remember the last time one the ‘moderators’ actually answered a question on this board. That’s not to say that you can’t get useful information on this board.
I’m a lawyer, but I ain’t your lawyer. the stuff that attorneys post here is FYI and fairly generic, and should be validated with your own counsel in your own location.
Re: Are there any attornies here? - Posted by BillyBob
Posted by BillyBob on November 24, 2006 at 03:59:45:
Thanks. Yes I couldn’t agree more about the useful information! And I’m sure the pool of experienced investors here ,has encountered almost every legal problem involving real estate. I notice one person who posts (John Merchant) must be an attorney, as he is extremely knowledgeable. I just thought that the “hosts” were more like Ed Garcia, where they regularily monitor the board and answer questions. Thanks Again
my question was purely rhetorical. my point was this: there are attorneys who plug in here and offer up postings. but they are not rendering legal advice to you. and you should validate/confirm what you read here with your own counsel.
Posted by BillyBob on November 24, 2006 at 07:50:40:
I’m not an attorney,so I don’t have your gift of language skills, I’m sorry I misunderstood. Does rhetorical mean " Pointless and nothing to do with the original question"? Because I still don’t understand what it has to do withe the moderation of this forum,its ok though because I already got a clear answer that I understood from a non lawyer Thanks for your response.
I can think of a number of reasons why, the moderator attorneys, and the plugged-in attorneys would not want to to limit replies to attorneys. or even be identified as attorneys.
first, there is no easy way to know who’s who.
second, DOES NOT want this forum to be thought of as a place to seek and acquire legal advice. there are liability concerns, plus UPL concerns. unauthorized practice of law. the forum is a place to get generalized information, al of which should be fully vetted through your own local counsel.
third, the plugged-in attoneys do not want to unwittingly enter into an atty-client relationship. the A-C relationship is very easy to create, and it does not require engagement letters, fee payment or even a face-to-face meeting. its all about reasonable expectations. think about it. you post a question. an attorney answers the question. you take action in reliance on the answer. but the answer turns out to be wrong, or incomplete, or fails to consider some peculiaritiies of Minnesota law, or fails to consider some facts not presented. this stuff is real. Early in my career, I had the pleasure of fighting off a malpractice case with a person who was not my client. I was surprised to learn how easy it is to create an A-C relationship. and once it exists, so does liability.